Acknowledgments & Gratitude…
While I was the person who put the paint on the canvas, my art would not be possible had it not been for the support of a vast community of people.
I want to thank my family for all their support and encouragement . You have all been there whenever I called or video chatted, and no matter how many times I asked you to tell me what you saw on the canvas, all of you did your best to comply with my wishes. Thanks to: Samara, Curtis, Tyrone , Yolundra, Vanessa, Clarice, TJ, George, Jessica, Danny, Jackie, Marion and Adrianne Christian.
Thanks to all of my grandchildren, many of whom say that my paintings further confirm that I can see.
Mother Willie Alexander, who did not believe that I was out painting until she saw the paintings for herself: I am so grateful for the many hours that you came to the studio and watched me paint.
Tyrone Johnson, for the hours spent creating the videos and photos.
Justin Higgins, for your continuous support throughout the project.
Kujenga Ashé, for your ongoing support throughout the entire project.
Daniel L Harris: thank you for your love and support. I will never forget the hours spent on video chat with me. You and Clarice watched me mix and experiment mixing sand and paint to make the sandy beach on the Pelican painting.
Lanai Ashé and Karen Venditti Liddie, my art coaches and advisers. Your guidance cannot be valued!
Paul Ricketts, webmaster and life coach. He designed and built this website, and also researched, wrote and edited much of the content for these web pages. He manages this site on an ongoing basis.
James Nelson, my spiritual brother: thank you for the encouragement, guidance and prayers throughout this project.
Glenda Caines for her encouragement and prayerful support.
And to many more, all of whom played their part in making this project possible. Every contribution made a difference.